Not surprisingly, as an education professional, I adore all things summer. Even though I don't particularly love to eat it, the sight of a ripe summer watermelon makes me swoon. Recently, on http://www.weddingbee.com/, blogger Mrs. Eggplant gave readers directions to make a deliciously adorable watermelon card. This idea got me to thinking.....
My parents and family in general, who all live in the Chicago area, were pretty bummed that Andrew and I chose to get married in Colorado, where we live. Ultimately, we felt like it was the best choice (we work here, have homes here, go to church here, have friends here, etc.) especially since his whole family is from Minnesota. However, I sympathize with them, because this is a special occasion that they want to celebrate with their friends. Enter, my second wedding (Reception).
Right now I am thinking that it would be splendid to have a causal summer barbecue. My parents live on a beautiful acre and a half in the "country" and their yard is the perfect place for a tented fete.
I am thinking of placing sunflower centerpieces on the tables, like this......

Our wedding/reception are going to be held on June 27, 2009, so I am thinking mid-August, when we have our pictures back so that they can be displayed as well.
I would also get to pick out a second wedding cake, order a second set of favors (I am thinking personalized red/white MnMs wrapped in tulle and tied with our left over personalized pink ribbon) and WEAR MY GORGEOUS DRESS AGAIN! I contacted Boston Market today, and their catering is very reasonable. Add in a few ice chests of soda, wine coolers and beer, and you have yourself a party. My parents are not dancers, so I would not go to the trouble of hiring a dj or building a dance floor. My estimate is that this could all be done, for 50 people, for around $2,000. Now I will just need to wait for the estimate from the tent/table/linen rentals....
Hope you enjoyed..
Hopefully things you thought of to arrange for your event went well. I’ve also been thinking to throw a surprise party for my parent's coming anniversary. I'll book one of the special venues in Chicago found online. I’m really excited and my fingers crossed.
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