I just received a confirmation today for my bridal "party" at ten20 nail and waxing salon in Boulder, Colorado. Ten20 is an amazing nail spa that has leather couches, TiVo recordings of my favorite show ("Sex and the City") and an abundance of Diet Coke and MnMs for all. On the day of my wedding, I plan to treat my 'maids to a day of pampering. First, we will take tea at the Boulder Dunshabe Tea House, followed by a mani/pedi party, and will finish with a relaxing trip to Pompadours AVEDA spa to get our hair did. I can't wait! Check these places out!
Boulder Dunshanbe Teahouse http://www.boulderteahouse.com/
Ten20 Nail Spa www.ten20.tv
Pompadours http://www.pompadours.com/s-aveda-products.php
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